Philosophizing on the Blogroll
You may have noticed that I 've added a bunch of new links to my blogroll. Here's my take on blogrolling...
If I read your blog more than a few times, I bookmark you. If I anticipate that perhaps I might go back and read it again, I blogroll you. For me it's just a simple way of keeping track of regular reads and being able to see when someone has made a new post so I don't have to keep checking their blog and look like a stalker on their stat counter.
I don't do it to show who all my cool friends are and I don't do it in hopes that they will return the favor, although if they wanted to, it would really be appreciated. Everyone knows that the more sites that link to you, the more popular your ranking on search engines (and if you didn't, now you do :-)
I will freely admit that I think about my search engine ranking and if someone told me they didn't care about any of that stuff or if they have no hits or comments or regular visitors, I'd be skeptical. I just have a hard time believing anyone blogs for themselves. Feel free to disagree.
Anyway, if you are not on my blogroll and are offended, please don't be. I forget to bookmark a lot of great blogs that I've been to. Drop me an email and remind me if you want to. I actually get a lot of blog email; more email than comments. I've yet to figure out why...
I know what you mean about the comments. I get email too. One day I was pissed about the 5 emails I had gotten, about friends afraid to post, so I posted their comments FOR them and used their real names. Now they comment, because they weren't smart enough to know that their emails didn't show up as comments anyway. LOL.
I need to pare down my blogroll so that I am containing those sites that I actually GET to because anymore, I read so many that I am not getting to all of them.
But it is nice for me because all my links are on my blog, so I never have to worry about getting somewhere. And I have found SO many new ones through blogexplosion.
Unknown, at 1/21/2006 12:41:00 PM
I agree with you totally!
The people on my blogroll are the people that I read regularly. Everyone else is bookmarked. My blogroll is basically there for me.
Kelly, at 1/21/2006 05:42:00 PM
Ya'll both have some looong blogrolls! But yeah, I have to pare mine down, too. I hate when someone who does a great blog stops updating. I can never decide whether I should keep them or delete them, you know, in the interest of keeping my list current. I don't want to make anyone feel bad.
IzzyMom, at 1/22/2006 02:01:00 PM
hey! glad to be a part of your blogroll. i will put you on my list later tonight.
Maria Baker, at 1/24/2006 12:17:00 PM
ok, it's been a few days. i'm sorry, i will get to it eventually. i have had to write a paper (which i turned in today, finally) and i have a studio project due tomorrow, THEN i will link you...really, really. still enjoying your blog.....m
Maria Baker, at 1/30/2006 03:26:00 PM
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