Is this normal???
I have to know. I read other peoples blogs AND I CRY. I just read the latest installment on and it made me tear up (shut was very touching). This happens A LOT. I am emotionally over-wired. I know this. But someone please just tell me that I'm not the only one. I prefer the "safety in numbers" approach when we're talking about something that might make me a freak.
NEW TENANT ALERT! If you'll look to the right sidebar, you'll see my new renter, A Mama's Rant. Please drop by and show her some love. Her blog is great and I know you'll enjoy it! Thanks a lot to all the other bidders. I wish I could have chosen all of you.
ADDENDUM: Blubbered my way through Grey's Anatomy and was supremely irritated to find a freaking cliffhanger at the end. Grrrrrr... Then around midnight, we were in the bedroom hanging out with the baby and I started bawling again because it makes me sad to think of my kids growing up; that when my son is 5, my daughter will be 10. *sigh*
I really must be close to getting my period. This is a bit much even for me.
Yeah. I cry a lot at
It's good stuff.
Anonymous, at 2/05/2006 07:09:00 PM
dude. I had to add. what's up with getting all these cool bidders. I get totally crazyass freaks - like eccentric man, other crazy mens... wtf?
Anonymous, at 2/05/2006 09:17:00 PM
Ummm. I have to be honest, I have never ever cried at reading another person's blog. I guess I am just not emotional. I am more of a mad crier. I cry when I am mad more than when I am sad. The madder I get, the more likely that I have a freaking "unhinged moment" that makes me cry.
Unknown, at 2/05/2006 11:57:00 PM
I cry when I'm really, really mad, too. But mostly, it's with things that move me or make me sad. It's usually hormone-related (pregnancy, PMS etc) and not entirely out of context with what an average person might find tear-provoking. I'm mean, I'm not crying at the grocery store because they're out of whole-wheat bagels or
IzzyMom, at 2/06/2006 03:56:00 PM
I really liked dooce's post today, too. :-) Songs get me, too.
Jess Riley, at 2/07/2006 12:16:00 AM
I'm a total cry, and I, too, cry at blogs. And TV. And almost everything else.
DeAnn, at 2/07/2006 01:46:00 AM
I'm a big baby! I understand totally! I couldn't believe the ending on Grey's Anatomy...but I'll be watching for sure this coming week! It was a good one.
Have a good day!
Lisa, at 2/07/2006 08:44:00 AM
I don't even read because I don't want to tear up! I hate tearing up! But it happens sometimes and I quickly remember..I need something in the kitchen, bathroom, anyplace where I can get out of site and not let anyone see! Ha ha!
my house is cuter than yours, at 2/08/2006 03:33:00 PM
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